Free or low cost health screenings for women ages 40-64
The BeWise Program
The BeWise Program provides cardiovascular health screening and health coaching to eligible Utah women. BeWise is for women ages 40-64 who are mid-to-low-income, underinsured, or uninsured.
The goal of BeWise is to provide women with the knowledge, skills, and opportunities to improve their diet, physical activity, and other lifestyle behaviors to prevent, delay, and control cardiovascular and other chronic diseases.
The Utah BeWise Program receives money from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) Division for Heart Disease and Stroke Prevention to provide these services. Utah is one of only 24 BeWise (also known as WISEWOMAN) programs funded by the CDC.
Share Your Success
We are always looking for ways to improve and would love to hear about your success as a participant in the program or just as a user of the information on our website. Email us at [email protected].

Women today face many demands and challenges. It is important to create a healthy balance in your life. Knowing your health risks and what you can do to protect your health are the first steps. The BeWise Program checks for heart disease risk factors and partners with other programs who screen for certain types of cancer.
When you participate in the BeWise program you may also receive education, goal-setting, and referrals to community-based programs that support physical activity, healthy eating, smoking cessation, and lower your health risks.
To be eligible for BeWise services, women must meet the program’s age (40-64 years) and income guidelines.

The purpose of this section is to help participating health professionals understand program requirements and provide services to program-eligible women. To help you navigate the program requirements you can find:
- How to enroll a client into the BeWise Program
- The services a client receives when they enroll
- Policies and Procedures of the BeWise Program
- Role of health professionals in the program
- National Clinical Care Guidelines
- Reimbursement and Billing information
The BeWise Program staff are available to assist providers on a regular basis using e-mail, telephone, and on-site visits as needed. Help is available from the BeWise staff by calling toll free at 1-800-717-1811.
Free or low cost health screenings for women ages 40-64
A health coach will work with you to set personal wellness goals.