What is BeWise?
BeWise provides low-income, underinsured, or uninsured 40- to 64-year old women with the knowledge, skills, and opportunities to improve their diet, physical activity, and other life habits to prevent, delay, or control cardiovascular and other chronic diseases.
Who is eligible for BeWise?
BeWise provides services to Utah women aged 40-64 who are low income, uninsured, or underinsured. All you need is your family size and income to see if you qualify. Even people with insurance may qualify for some services. Call 1-800-717-1811 to speak with a specialist about eligibility.
What services does BeWise offer?
Eligible women enrolled in for the BeWise Program may receive the following health services:
- Blood pressure test
- Cholesterol test
- Blood sugar (glucose or A1c) test
- Access to a personal health coach, who will work with you to set personal wellness goals
- Referral to other health programs (ie Chronic Disease Self-Management, Diabetes Prevention Program, Expanded Food and Nutrition Education Program, Weight Watchers Membership)
- Medical referral and follow-up are provided as appropriate
In addition cancer screening services that are offered through the Utah Cancer Control Program:
- Mammogram
- Pap test
To find out more about the UCCP please visit
Health Topics
Although many people develop heart disease as they get older, it isn’t inevitable. A healthy lifestyle goes a long way to preventing diseases like high blood pressure, diabetes, and high cholesterol.
Learn more about high blood pressure, diabetes, and high cholesterol and ways that you can improve your health.
Get Tips & Ideas
More ideas and opportunities to improve food choices, physical activity, and general health.
The BeWise Program can help you find new and useful ways to stay on track with your goals and be the best YOU ever!
Update Information
How to make changes to your personal contact information such as phone number, address, or email.